First day at work

Ages 13-15

Keep calm, you'll be great

When the time comes and you ace your interview and get that job, you may have some questions about your first day. So here is some tried and trusted advice from us about that very first shift.

  • Get ready the night before - Pack a bag or get your things ready ahead of time. This saves you stress and makes you feel calm and prepared
  • Leave plenty of time to arrive - Obviously no-one wants to be late on their first day! So give yourself as much time as possible to get there. If you’re going travelling straight from school or college, try and take the quickest, most efficient route
  • Ask questions - It’s ok to ask, it’s your first day. So if there’s anything you’re not sure of, speak up

Getting off to the right start

How does software engineering apprentice Hassan recommend you prepare for your first day at work? And what should your priorities be to help you hit the ground running?

I was so nervous the night before my first shift. It’s a really busy cafe and I was worried I might just be thrown in at the deep end and told to make a coffee!

When I got there everyone was really friendly and patient. I felt like I might be annoying asking so many questions but no one minded. I had a ‘buddy’ on my first shift who I shadowed and helped me get started. Plus the first few shifts were an ‘induction’, where I learned how to do all the processes, like using the till, setting up for the day, that sort of thing. So don’t worry — no one expects you to know it all straight away!

Freya, age 16
Works part-time at a cafe 10 hours a week